This US-based customer redefines the concept of energy storage, supplying groundbreaking and eco-friendly battery modules to utility, industrial, and commercial customers around the world. This award-winning company is accelerating the transition to clean energy through innovative solutions that transform how the world stores power.
The customer’s connected clean energy storage solution had one critical component, the Battery Management System (BMS), crucial for managing electronic vehicle batteries. Previously dependent on BMS provided by external firms, they sought independence by creating their own BMS that complied with global safety standards. Impressed by Softdel’s extensive expertise in embedded solution development and our knowledge of global safety procedures and standards, the customer decided to partner with us to develop their own next-gen BMS platform aligned with the IEC 60730 and UL 1998 standards.
Hardware: Altium
Communication Protocol: CAN bus, Ethernet
Testing: Static and Dynamic Analysis, Vector cast, Pclint
Programming Language: Embedded C & C++, Python
Platform: Baremetal
CPU Tests: As per IEC 60730-Class B and UL 1998 Class 1